This is an excerpt from the book "The 21st century's all new cosmology." In this book the author hypothesizes the idea that space, filled with energy before the Big-Bang, at some point converged to a single point exploding outwardly and stretching out our universe. Coincidentally, some of the author's thoughts are in direct contrast to previous widely held beliefs. The question that can be raised then is: Where did this energy come from, what caused it to converge at one point in time ions ago and why is it that the universe appears to still be expanding today?
Thoughts on the CMB (cosmic microwave background) temperature uniformity that cosmologists ponder with disbelief over:
1. To deny the ability for the CMB's ions to lose motion uniformly in different locations of space is for scientists to deny the replication of experimental outcomes.
2. If a thousand scientists performed the same experiment using identical equipment, they should get identical results. The same with nature. A field of growing wheat produces identical results when all elements are alike. Same with the CMB's identical temperature in every direction.
[Note: an explosion IN SPACE is by far the simplest explanation that can explain this equality and Earth's central location vis-à-vis the CMB and quasar graphs.]
3. So, the Big Bang's Thermonuclear Conversion of Energy found in the Arena of Space shoots out the equivalent of a cannon's smoke ring when fired. Except that instead of a smoke ring it is a spherical smoke ring of outrushing matter, going out at 95-99% of the speed of light, now some 13.7 billion light years away in EVERY direction. With equal distance we have equal temperature. We have equal distance because Earth is moving so slow, relative to all celestial objects.
[Consequently, we Earthlings are in a very unique location - right next to the epicenter of the Big Bang explosion - the Center of our Universe.]
Timing = Age of the Universe:
Time for the spherical smoke ring to reach this viewed location requires a minimum of 13.7 billion years and another 13.7 for the radiation to return to us the very slow moving Earth. That equals a round trip of 27.4 billion years minimum - the minimum age of our Universe.
Earth's view of the CMB's radiation is like seeing a family photo of a 13.7 year old child that took 13.7 years to deliver to us Earthlings a 27.4 year old recipient.
[Plenty of time now for structures to form. The youngest object in the Universe that we see, cannot be younger than the 13.7 billion year old CMB, thereby giving the force of gravity billions of years of unhurried construction to form galaxies.]
My new analysis of the relationship between the electron's power requirements and the ARENA OF SPACE, and all the latest HiTech findings allows me to:
Put all the above evidence together in one logical analysis and the conclusion must be a Big Bang Thermonuclear Conversion of Energy found in the pre-existing huge energy-filled arena of space.
And this puts the very slow moving Earth virtually right in the Center of our 27.4 billion year old Universe.
All evidence presented is documented by the likes of NASA or equivalent source.
Again, Science finds the Tools; Philosophy seeks the Craftsman.
By Charles J. Sven
Discoverer of the Center of the Universe
Author: The 21st Century's All New Cosmology
Science is obviously bringing us new discoveries everyday and what continues to amaze me is that each new discovery somehow further supports what the bible claimed all along. For the skeptics, agnostics and atheists out there, just because we may not necessarily have all the pieces of the puzzle together, we should not rush to dismiss what the bible has said. In time, what some of us have already come to accept by faith, God may choose to reveal openly by scientific findings. Whatever means God might have chosen to create the universe and however long it might have taken, in my opinion, is not at all in conflict with the word of God. To this end, I would like to quote a simple scripture that takes us back to the beginning of time. Having said that, we must keep in mind that God created the universe, the earth, everything in it and on it for mankind. The main focus of His creation has always been "man."
Genesis 1: 1-2
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
(What happened between these two verses and how much time lapsed before God worked on the formless and empty earth? The Bible does not say.)
2 Now the earth was a formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
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