Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Fingerprint of God - A mathematical pattern

We all have a unique fingerprint that identifies who we are. Artists, musicians, poets, engineers, designers and so on can be easily identified by a certain uniqueness or pattern in their creation. Have you ever wondered why our world and our universe appear to have patterns? Is there a master designer behind these patterns? Are these patterns randomly distributed or is there truly a fingerprint evidenced by a mathematical pattern?  
Reproducing after its own kind is something common in nature. In order to do so there has to be a blueprint to follow like our DNA.
This video may answer some questions:

Monday, October 10, 2011

What is your reference point? (One degree off-course)

In aviation, flying off course by only one degree results in missing the tar­get land­ing spot by 90 feet for every mile. That translates to approx. one mile off tar­get for every sixty miles flown. Let’s say you start your trip at the equa­tor and fly around the earth, one degree off would land you almost 425 miles off target. Just as it is hard to rec­og­nize being one degree off while fly­ing at altitude, it is just as hard to real­ize “one-degree deviations” in our personal lives. What are we willing to accept in our lives? What is our tol­er­ance for being off course just a little? Stray­ing off course in life doesn’t have to result in a catastrophic fail­ure. Any­one can make in-flight adjust­ments along the way of life as long as we have an accurate reference point. Do you have a flight plan? If so, are you certain your reference point is accurate?....“God’s word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path”.

(Reference: One degree off course.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Darkness and Light

If we want our climate to change, we must change our atmosphere. We cannot wait until circumstances or people change because that may or may not happen, we have to allow the change agent to change us first so we can influence our environment and everything in it. Light does not wait for darkness to leave before it can shine, in fact, darkness is dispelled as light is introduced. Think on this: Scientifically speaking, the degree of darkness is defined by the relative absence of light........"So, let your light shine.....".